Ridiculously Rich OR Truly Wealthy?

Ridiculously Rich OR Truly Wealth?
What you'll learn...
1. The inside story of the difference between those families who simply have plenty of money, and those who live "truly wealthy" lives.
2. A unique perspective on the priorities of love, wisdom, and money
3. Six Killers of family wealth
4. Six Laws to counteract the Six Killers
5. The journey of the Family Wealth Continuum as the road to propserity passes through the various life stages of Accumulator, Harvester, Steward, Survivor, and Heir.
6. An exercise to help you identify your own current position on the path to true wealth and your family's pursuit of happiness.
Complete the form above to access your copy.
The Coming Widow Boom
From the time they were born, Baby Boomers have created radical social and economic paradigm shifts shaping the culture of our world. As they approach retirement and death, this will be no different. A well-documented projection is that more than $41 trillion will be inherited by the children of the baby-boom generation.
However, before these children receive it, the balance of financial power will shift in an unexpected way. Women traditionally survive their husbands 80% of the time; and on average, they outlive them for about fourteen years. The obvious conclusion is that these “Widow Boomers” will control the lion’s share of the greatest wealth the world has ever known for decades before passing it on to the next generation.
Contact us today to request your copy of The Coming Widow Boom.

The Widow's Bridge
The Surviving Spouse’s Guide to Emotional and Financial Well-being
This book can be used as a common blueprint, reference guide, or both. This book provides general direction to help lead from uncertainty to confidence and can be used by individuals or together with your advisory team.
Widow: My advisor (attorney, CPA, etc.) doesn’t understand what I am going through … sometimes it’s impossible to think clearly.
Advisor: My client can’t seem to make a decision … this makes it very difficult for me to do my job.
This book was designed to put them both on the same page (figuratively and literally) by giving them some insight into The Widow’s Plight Syndrome and offering a path and plan to follow during the time this condition is most prevalent.
If you are a surviving spouse, give a copy of this book to your Most Trusted Advisor. If you are the Most Trusted Advisor, give a copy of this book to your widowed client, friend, or acquaintance.
Contact us today to request your copy of The Widow's Bridge.
"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."